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These general conditions of sale for the purchase of PATRIZIA CERELLA products ("Products") displayed on this site (“Site”) are valid only between the sole proprietorship PATRIZIA CERELLA (c.f. CRLPRZ70B65G843Q), based in Volterra (PI), Via ricciarelli 24, P.Iva 01655400503, hereinafter referred to as "Cerella" or alternatively, the "Seller", and the user ("Customer") who makes purchases on the website www.patriziacerella.it ("Order "). The conditions may be subject to changes, which will come into force from the date of publication of the same on the site. These conditions set purchases made on the site, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code (D.lgs.n.206/2005).


The completion of Orders on the Site is allowed only to natural persons who have the legal capacity to enter into binding agreements in compliance with Italian law and who act for purposes unrelated to any business or professional activity carried out, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer".

Where requested, Customers must provide name, surname, date of birth, email address, delivery address of the Products, tax code and other personal information. This information must be true, accurate and constantly updated in case of changes.

The purchase of products for resale is prohibited.


Under to these general conditions of sale, Cerella sells and the Customer remotely purchases the products offered for sale on the site www.patriziacerella.it. The contract is carried out exclusively  by Internet, through the access of the customer to the address www.patriziacerella.it and the creation of a purchase order according to the procedure provided by the site itself.

The customer undertakes to read, before going on with the confirmation of his/her order, these general conditions of sale and, in particular, the pre-contractual information provided by Cerella and to accept them by clicking a flag in the checked box.

The Customer can download and register a copy of these general conditions of sale, as provided for by art. 51, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 206/2005, amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014, from the site to the address:  https://patriziacerella.it/index.php/commercial- conditions.



Before closing the purchase contract, the Customer takes a look at the characteristics of the goods which are described in the product details at the time of choice. Before closing the Order with obligation to pay, the Customer is informed of the:

  •         total price of the goods including taxes, with details of shipping costs and any other cost;
  •         terms of payment;
  •         term within which Cerella will deliver the goods;
  •         conditions, terms and procedures for exercising the right of withdrawal as well as the withdrawal form referred to in Annex I, part B of Legislative Decree 21/2014;The Customer can at any time and in any case before the closing of the contract, know the information relating to Cerella, the geographical address, telephone and fax (?) number, e-mail address, information which is also reported below:

PATRIZIA CERELLA ditta individuale
Sede legale in Via Ricciarelli, 24 – 56048 Volterra (Pi)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The sales contract is concluded with the sending by Cerella to the Customer of an order confirmation email. The email contains the Customer's data and the order number, the price of the goods purchased, the shipping costs and the delivery address to which the goods will be sent and the link to print and register a copy of these conditions.

The customer undertakes to verify the accuracy of the personal data contained in the above email and to promptly notify Cerella of any corrections/changes to be made.

Cerella undertakes to describe and present the items sold in the best possible way: Nevertheless, some errors, inaccuracies or small differences between the product depicted on the site and the real product could occur. The photographs of the products presented on www.patriziacerella.it are not part of the contract, as they are to be considered only representative ones.

Marginal differences between the description of the Product on the Site and the actual characteristics will not be considered as a cause of non-conformity of the Product for the purposes of this Contract.

Cerella undertakes to ship the goods within the maximum term of 30 days starting from the sending by Cerella itself of the order confirmation email to the customer, except for shorter times possibly indicated in the product details.



The availability of the products refers to the actual availability at the time the Customer submits the order. However, this availability must be considered approximate.

Even after sending the order confirmation email sent by Cerella, there may be cases of partial or total unavailability of the goods. In this case, the order will be corrected with the elimination of the unavailable product or products and the Customer will be immediately informed via email; with this email, the Customer will also be informed of the mode and timing of reimbursement of any sum paid.


Each payment by the customer can be made using the payment methods indicated on this Site and, in particular, by:

- credit cards;

- bank transfer;

- Stripes.

In case of payment by Stripe or credit card, the actual charge of the order amount will take place when the Customer completes the order procedure.

Communications relating to payment and the data communicated by the Customer move on special protected lines. The security of credit card payments is guaranteed by VBV certification (verified by Visa) e SCM (Security Code Mastercard).


All the products' sales prices published on the site www.patriziacerella.it are euro expresses. Shipping costs are included in the purchase price, except for shipments outside Italy.

Any changes in prices will be effective from the date of publication on this site, with no retroactive effect on Orders already accepted by sending the confirmation.

In case of an IT, manual, technical, or any other kind of error that could lead to a not foreseen by Cerella remarkable change of the public sale price, which makes it too high or too low, the purchase order will be invalid and canceled and any amount paid by the Customer will be refunded within 3 days. from the day of cancellation.



As to the regulations in force, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase without penalties and without stating the reason, within a period of 14 days from the date of the products' receipt.

In case of several purchases made by the Customer with a single order and delivered separately, the 14-day runs from the date of receipt of the last product. The Customer willing to withdraw must write Cerella an email to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Or, the Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending any message declaring the intention to withdraw from the contract, or by sending the standard withdrawal form, referred to refund using the same means of payment chosen by the Customer at the time of purchase. In case of bank transfer payment, he/she must provide Cerella, by the “contact us” section, with the bank details: IBAN, SWIFT and BIC necessary for Cerella to make the refund. in Annex I, part B, Legislative Decree 21/2014, as follows:

(fill in and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

PATRIZIA CERELLA sole prioprietor

Head office: Via Ricciarelli, 24 – 55048 Volterra (PI)

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


I/we(*) hereby notify you of my/our (*) withdrawal from my/our (*) sale contract of the following goods/services (*)

-  ordered on (*) / received on (*)

-  consumer(s) name

- consumer(s) signature (only for paper letter)

- Date

(*) Delete not needed wording


In case of withdrawal, the Customer shall return the goods within 14 days from the day on which he/she communicated to Cerella his/her will to withdraw from the contract pursuant to art. 57 of Legislative Decree 206/2005.

Goods must be returned to Patrizia Cerella at the head office: Via Ricciarelli, 24 – 56048 Volterra (PI).

Goods must be returned undamaged, in their original packaging, complete in all their parts together with tax documents. Goods must not have been used or altered in any way (worn, washed, ironed, etc.).

After a conformity check of the goods, Cerella will refund the price of the products to be withdrawn within a maximum period of 14 days.  Cerella will make the refund using the same means of payment chosen by the Customer at the time of purchase. In case of bank transfer payment, he/she must provide Cerella, by the “contact us” section, with the bank details: IBAN, SWIFT and BIC necessary for Cerella to make the refund.

In case of receipt of faulty products or products that do not conform to the orders, the Customer is entitled to have the conformity of the product restored free of charge by repair or replacement. The Customer may ask for the repair or the replacement when the fault occurs within two months from the goods' delivery and makes this known to Cerella within two months from the discovery. Then, the Customer must send an email to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  writing down the purchase order number and declaring the wish to return the purchased goods. In case of a faulty or non-compliant product, Cerella will collect and pay the product(s) return, agreeing the pick-up with the Customer.


Cerella will only accept delivery orders in Italy, unless otherwise agreed with the Customer. Cerella ships and delivers the Orders through SDA POSTE. The Seller delivers Orders according to the delivery terms on the Site when purchasing, and, in any case, within 30(thirty) days from the date the Order confirmation is sent to the Customer.

The Order confirmation is sent to the Customer when the Products are handed over to the courier for shipment.

It may happen that delivery times vary due to business closure, for instance. The Seller shall not be liable for delays in delivery that are not dependant on her fault. Therefore, the Seller shall not be liable for delays due to force majeure, strikes, natural disasters and any other fact concerning the courier services or any other event beyond her control. Upon receipt of the Order confirmation, the Customer may ask for the tracking number at the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to check the shipping and Products' delivery process on the courier website.

The customer must facilitate the delivery of the Order, either by receiving it himself/herself or by delegating it to a third party. The courier shall make an initial attempt to deliver the Order to the address provided by the Customer. If the delivery is unsuccessful, the courier shall inform the Client of the attempted delivery and will try to arrange a new delivery of the order with the Customer.

Cerella is not liable for a bad service due to force majeure or fortuities, even when dependent on malfunctions of the internet, in case it fails to carry out the order within the time set in the contract.

Upon delivery, the customer must verify the number of packages and the integrity of the packaging. In case of problems in the delivery or packaging damaging , the customer must sign the delivery document with reserve and contact the Customer service at the following webpage: https://patriziacerella.it/index.php/customer-service.

In case he/she fails to do so, the Customer will not be able afterwards to complain about the delivery, except for art. 9 about the legal guarantee of conformity and the legislation for the protection of the consumers.

The Customer can contact the Customer service by filling out the form on the site or sending an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the order number in the subject.

For each order, Soriani issues an invoice for the goods shipped.

The Customer will find the paper invoice  inside the package, upon delivery, or by scanning the document, in digital and printable format after the order has been processed.



The customer connects to the site to consult and shopping. No other use of the site or its content is permitted. The  contents of the site  belong to Cerella and are protected by intellectual property rights.


The website www.patriziacerella.it uses “cookies”, electronic files that store information about the Customer's navigation on the site and allow Cerella to offer a customised service to its customers. Cerella informs the Customer he/she can deny cookies settings by accessing his/her internet configuration menu. Denying cookies, the Customer cannot purchase online.

For more info: https://patriziacerella.it/index.php/privacy-policy.



These general conditions of sale are subject to Italian Law. Any dispute that cannot be settled amicably shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of residence or domicile of the Customer, if located in Italy, or to the Court of Florence, at the Customer's choice.

In any case, it's possible to call for mediation procedures provided for by Law for the resolution of any disputes arising from  the interpretation and execution of these terms and conditions of sale.